CSM new service - CyberDEF.
Under CSRS (Cyber Security Responsive Services, my division), my latest innovation to fight against computer malwares.
This is part of my CMERP initiatives;
This is part of my CMERP initiatives;
D - Detect Threats
E - Eradicate Threats
F- Forensic Analysis (this stage is iterative; back to D or E to further improve the techniques. Part of the poster, below.)
CyberDEF, front page coverage on Berita Harian (Malaysian Newspaper).
Malware infections stastistics, source MyCERT:
In Malaysian language, part of the solutions (if you need the details, please contact me).
With Dr. Zulkifli, Deputy Secretary General (Science),
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Last but not least, more to come in the near future!